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Ceylon Cinnamon

Ceylon Cinnamon


Ceylon cinnamon, also known as "true cinnamon," is a gem among spices, prized for its exquisite flavor, delicate texture, and numerous health benefits. Harvested from the inner bark of Cinnamomum verum trees native to Sri Lanka, this variety of cinnamon stands out for its superior quality and distinct sweet, citrusy aroma. What sets Ceylon cinnamon apart is its low coumarin content, a compound found in higher levels in other cinnamon varieties, which can be harmful in large doses. With its subtle yet complex flavor profile, Ceylon cinnamon adds a touch of warmth and sophistication to culinary creations, from decadent desserts to savory dishes and aromatic beverages. Beyond its culinary allure, Ceylon cinnamon boasts a rich history of traditional medicine, revered for its potential to support digestion, regulate blood sugar levels, and promote overall well-being. Embark on a sensory journey with Ceylon cinnamon, where each sprinkle evokes memories of ancient spice routes and indulgent culinary experiences, elevating every dish with its unparalleled charm and elegance.




  • FDA Warning

     These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not to be taken as medical advise. These products are not intended to treat or cure any disease


    Consulting with your  healthcare professionals can provide guidance and advice on the safe use of herbal products based on individual health needs and circumstances.

  • Ingredients

    Ingredients: organic - Cinnamomum verum 


    Spice Jar Weight: 2.8oz (79g) 

    Comes in a clear glass spice jar, opening is for pouring and sifting 

    Spice Jar Height: 4.1" diameter: 2.0"

  • Benefits and Uses

    Ceylon cinnamon, also known as "true" cinnamon or Cinnamomum verum, is considered superior to other varieties of cinnamon due to several factors:

    Distinctive Flavor and Aroma: Ceylon cinnamon has a delicate, sweet flavor with subtle citrus undertones, which sets it apart from the stronger, more pungent taste of cassia cinnamon, the variety commonly sold in most stores. Its aroma is also more complex and fragrant, making it highly sought after for culinary purposes.

    Lower Coumarin Content: Coumarin is a compound found in cinnamon that can be toxic to the liver in high doses. Ceylon cinnamon contains significantly lower levels of coumarin compared to cassia cinnamon, making it safer for regular consumption, especially for individuals with liver conditions or those who consume cinnamon in large amounts.

    Health Benefits: While both Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon offer health benefits, some studies suggest that Ceylon cinnamon may be more beneficial due to its lower coumarin content. It is often favored for its potential to help regulate blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and improve heart health.

    Premium Quality: Ceylon cinnamon is considered a premium spice, prized for its superior flavor, aroma, and quality. It is harvested from the inner bark of Cinnamomum verum trees, which are native to Sri Lanka (formerly known as Ceylon), and undergoes a meticulous harvesting and processing method to preserve its integrity.

    Versatility: Ceylon cinnamon is versatile and can be used in a wide range of culinary applications, including desserts, beverages, savory dishes, and even as a flavor enhancer in various cuisines. Its subtle yet distinct flavor complements both sweet and savory dishes without overpowering other ingredients.

    Traditional and Cultural Significance: Ceylon cinnamon has a rich history and cultural significance, particularly in Sri Lanka, where it has been cultivated and traded for centuries. It is often used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine and culinary practices, adding depth of flavor and aroma to dishes while also offering potential health benefits.

    Overall, Ceylon cinnamon is prized for its superior taste, aroma, and potential health benefits, making it a preferred choice for discerning consumers who value quality and authenticity in their culinary ingredients.

    • Cooking and Baking: Ceylon cinnamon is commonly used as a spice in both sweet and savory dishes. It adds a warm, sweet flavor to baked goods such as cakes, cookies, muffins, and pies. It's also used in puddings, rice dishes, curries, and stews.

    • Beverages: Ceylon cinnamon is often used to flavor hot beverages like coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. It's also used in cold beverages like smoothies, milkshakes, and cocktails.

    • Spice Blends: It's an essential ingredient in many spice blends, such as garam masala, pumpkin pie spice, and chai spice mix.

    • Preserves and Pickles: Cinnamon is sometimes used to flavor jams, jellies, and preserves, as well as pickles and chutneys.

    • Health Benefits: Ceylon cinnamon is believed to have various health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Some people use it to help manage blood sugar levels, improve heart health, and aid digestion. It's often consumed as a tea or added to health drinks and smoothies.

    • Aromatherapy: The pleasant aroma of cinnamon is sometimes used in aromatherapy to create a warm, comforting atmosphere. Candles, essential oils, and potpourri may contain cinnamon for its aromatic qualities.

    • Traditional Medicine: In some traditional medicine practices, cinnamon is used to treat ailments such as colds, coughs, and digestive issues.

  • The tale to tell

    In the heart of the lush forests of Sri Lanka, where the air is thick with the scent of spices and the trees sway gently in the tropical breeze, lies a hidden treasure – the precious Ceylon cinnamon. As the morning sun begins to peek through the dense foliage, a group of skilled harvesters embarks on their journey into the cinnamon forests, guided by generations of wisdom passed down through their families.

    Among them is young Maya, whose nimble fingers are adept at navigating the intricate branches of the cinnamon trees. With her woven basket slung over her shoulder and a gleam of anticipation in her eyes, Maya joins her elders in the age-old ritual of cinnamon harvesting.

    As they venture deeper into the forest, the melody of exotic birdsong accompanies their every step, creating a symphony of nature's wonders. The dense undergrowth gradually gives way to towering cinnamon trees adorned with delicate green leaves and clusters of fragrant blossoms.

    With practiced precision, Maya and her companions begin the delicate process of harvesting the cinnamon bark. Armed with razor-sharp tools, they carefully peel away the outer layers of bark, revealing the inner layers prized for their sweet, aromatic essence. Each stroke of their blades is imbued with reverence for the tree's bounty, a testament to the deep connection between the harvesters and the land that sustains them.

    As the day progresses, the forest comes alive with the rhythmic sounds of laughter and conversation, punctuated by the rustle of leaves and the occasional chorus of monkeys swinging through the canopy. Time seems to stand still in this enchanted realm, where every moment is infused with the magic of nature's bounty.

    Finally, as the sun begins its descent beyond the horizon, Maya and her companions gather their precious harvest and make their way back to the village, their baskets brimming with bundles of fragrant cinnamon bark. As they return home, their faces aglow with the satisfaction of a day's work well done, they carry with them not only the fruits of their labor but also a profound sense of gratitude for the land that sustains them and the ancient traditions that bind them together.

    And so, the timeless cycle of cinnamon harvesting continues, a harmonious dance between humanity and nature, where each season brings forth a new bounty of sweetness and spice, and the spirit of the cinnamon forests lives on in the hearts of those who call this enchanted land home.

  • product specs

     Glass Jar

  • Organic

    Product has been raised and processed without the use of chemicals or irradiation


    Choosing organic spices can offer several potential benefits, including:


    Avoiding Pesticide Residues: Organic spices are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or herbicides. By choosing organic, you reduce your exposure to potentially harmful chemical residues that can remain on conventionally grown spices.

    Preserving Soil Health: Organic farming practices focus on maintaining soil health and fertility through techniques like crop rotation, composting, and natural pest control. This helps to preserve the long-term viability of agricultural land and promotes biodiversity.

    Supporting Sustainable Agriculture: Organic farming methods typically have lower environmental impacts compared to conventional agriculture. By choosing organic spices, you support farmers who prioritize sustainability, conservation, and ecological balance.

    Reducing Environmental Pollution: Organic farming practices minimize the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which can contribute to water pollution, soil degradation, and harm to non-target organisms. By opting for organic spices, you indirectly contribute to reducing environmental pollution.

    Potential Health Benefits: Some studies suggest that organic foods may contain higher levels of certain nutrients and antioxidants. Additionally, avoiding exposure to synthetic pesticides may have potential long-term health benefits

    Taste and Flavor: Some people prefer the taste and flavor of organic spices, attributing it to factors such as soil quality, growing conditions, and the absence of synthetic additives. While taste is subjective, many individuals find that organic spices have a more vibrant and nuanced flavor profile.

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