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Luxurious Lemongrass Luxury Soap

Luxurious Lemongrass Luxury Soap


Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled amidst rolling hills and fragrant orchards, there lived a skilled herbalist named Amara. Amara had a secret recipe for the most luxurious lemongrass handmade herbal soap in all the land.

Every morning, she would venture into her garden, where rows of vibrant lemongrass swayed in the gentle breeze. With great care, she would pluck the finest stalks, their citrusy scent filling the air around her. Next, she gathered other herbs and botanicals, each chosen for their nourishing properties and delightful fragrance.

In her cozy kitchen, Amara would lovingly blend these ingredients, infusing the soap with the essence of nature's bounty. As she worked, the rich lather and invigorating aroma of lemongrass enveloped her senses, transporting her to a world of pure bliss.

Word of Amara's exquisite soap spread far and wide, attracting visitors from distant lands who sought the magical elixir for themselves. Nobles and commoners alike marveled at the soap's ability to leave their skin feeling soft, supple, and rejuvenated.

Soon, Amara's humble cottage transformed into a bustling apothecary, where travelers lined up to purchase her renowned creation. With each bar of soap sold, Amara shared a piece of her heart and the enchanting essence of her beloved lemongrass garden.

And so, amidst laughter, song, and the scent of lemongrass wafting through the air, Amara's luxurious lemongrass handmade herbal soap became a cherished treasure, bringing joy and radiance to all who bathed in its splendor.

Lemograss is the perfect scent for waking up your mind, improving focus, reducing feelings of anxiousness, moisturizing skin, soothing redness, dry skin, toning skin and more.


Our soaps are specially formulated to gently cleanse the skin without depleting natural oils. Leaving clean, soft and supple skin in peak condition.


One standard size bar of hand cut handcrafted soap


Handmade small batch soap- color, shape, pattern from photo may vary.


ingredients: coconut oil, olive oil, safflower oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, vegetable glycerin, water, lye, pure essential oils of lemongrass, lemongrass herb

  • Ingredients

    Ingredients:  coconut oil, olive oil, safflower oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, vegetable glycerin, water, lye, pure essential oils, & organic herbs

  • Production

    Our soaps are handcrafted in house and are specially formulated to gently cleanse the skin without depleting natural oils.    We use the finest butters and oils to moisturize skin, soothe redness, hydrate dry skin, and improve skin toning, leaving skin clean, soft and supple.

  • Product Specs

    One standard size bar of hand cut handcrafted soap approximately 3" x 2" 

    Each batch is Handmade individually so color, shape, pattern from photo or previous purchase may vary.

  • Ingredients

     Ingredients: coconut oil, olive oil, safflower oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, vegetable glycerin, water, lye, pure essential oils, & organic herbs

  • Production

     Our soaps are handcrafted in house and are specially formulated to gently cleanse the skin without depleting natural oils. We use the finest butters and oils to moisturize skin, soothe redness, hydrate dry skin, and improve skin toning, leaving skin clean, soft and supple.

  • Product Specs

     One standard size bar of hand cut handcrafted soap approximately 3" x 2"


    Each batch is Handmade and cut individually so color, shape, pattern from photo or previous purchase may vary.

  • FDA Warning

     These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not to be taken as medical advise.

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